Although locksmiths can certainly open locked vehicles or get you into your house, these are not the only things they can do. Many locksmiths such as North GA Key Works actually offer all kinds of services involving safes on top of the classic locksmith services. If your safe is jammed or broken, you’ll be happy to know that the type of safe doesn’t matter either. Our locksmith technicians are experienced in all forms of safes, allowing them to perform repairs, open locked safes, and even create new keys. Before loading up your safe to get some professional help, here’s what you need to know about taking your safe to the locksmith:
Locksmiths Can Open Both Combination and Key Safes
There are two types of safes you’ll find in this world: key safes and combination safes. Furthermore, there are two types of combination safes: electronic keypads and dial safes. Truly skilled lockmasters can handle all forms of safes and locking systems. So whether you have a dial or a keyhole, bring your safe in! We can help crack open your safe in a timely manner and then reset the combination afterward. In the case that your safe is in need of repairs or the lock is broken, we can handle that too. Our experts are knowledgeable enough on the mechanics of dial and keyhole safes that repairing them is no problem.
Locksmiths Can Open Safes Without Damage
Of course, safes are not easy to open by design. So when your safe at home stops opening as it should, what do you do? You most definitely should not try to force open the safe using any tools. It’s a frustrating, long process that rarely works and can physically harm you in the process. It’s also easy to cause permanent damage to your safe. Instead of trying to deal with the problem on your own, bring it to a qualified locksmith for safes. We have dependable methods to open locked safes without damage and can crack the code if the combination lock is an issue. If none of the preferred methods work, the most damage that will be done to your safe is a small drill hole.
Locksmiths Can Also Move Safes
For those safes that weigh hundreds of pounds, you are sure to benefit from provided safe moving services. Instead of scraping the floor and chipping walls trying to move a safe yourself, a professional locksmith can make the process much faster and easier with all the equipment needed to perform a large safe transport. Whether you need your safe moved from another floor of the house or into a different building, we will be able to do it without damaging the property or safe.
Locked Out? Contact North Georgia Key Works
For all your safe needs, contact a top-rated north georgia locksmith! North GA Key Works has the tools and skills for the job. We can perform a variety of services on safes such as lockpicking, passcode resets, and repair. Not only that, but our locksmith service can move and transport large, heavy safes. For any questions about our safe services and to find out if we can help you, please give us a call at 706-974-8858.